Differences Between Personal Umbrella Insurance and Business Umbrella Insurance

At Martin Insurance Team in Evergreen Park, IL, we are happy to help business owners, and homeowners navigate the insurance process. No matter your questions, we can answer them all at our office or over a convenient phone call. If you have difficulty differentiating personal umbrella insurance and business umbrella insurance policies, we’ve listed some key differences below.

What is business umbrella insurance?

Business umbrella insurance provides coverage that extends commercial insurance policies. For example, if you have commercial auto insurance, business umbrella insurance can help increase the mileage of the policy by covering liability expenses beyond the commercial auto insurance policy’s limit. For general commercial liability insurance, a business umbrella policy can be helpful in the same way.

What is personal umbrella insurance?

For homeowners and personal vehicle owners, personal umbrella insurance can give you an added amount of liability protection on top of your current home insurance or car insurance policy. While you already need to have a home or car insurance policy to add umbrella insurance, it can be helpful if you anticipate a high risk for liability or want more coverage than your existing policy provides.

What is the difference between personal and business umbrella insurance policies?

As you can probably tell, the main distinction between personal umbrella insurance and business umbrella insurance is the types of policies under them. For commercial insurance policies, you will want to add commercial umbrella insurance. You will want to add personal umbrella insurance for all personal insurance policies.

If you still have difficulty telling these insurance policies apart, our staff at Martin Insurance Team in Evergreen Park, IL is here to answer all your questions over the phone or in person!

What You Need To Know About General Liability Insurance

As a business owner, you, unfortunately, carry the risk of liability for anything bad that happens at your business or as a result of your goods, services, or employees. This can feel like a heavy responsibility, but here at the Martin Insurance Team serving Evergreen Park, IL, and the surrounding areas, we want to help protect you from that liability with solid insurance services. Keep reading to learn more about general liability insurance. 

What Is General Liability Insurance? 

General liability insurance is a type of insurance policy that can help pay for expenses that arise for a business owner if someone is injured at your business or because of your goods or services. It can also help cover the repair or replacement cost if your property is damaged. 

Why Do Business Owners Need This Type of Coverage?

Carrying the responsibility for these types of liabilities could mean financial hardship for your business. When held liable, you must pay for the expenses arising from the incident. Depending on the extent of the costs, it could financially mean disaster for your business. 

Liability coverage will help pay for these expenses, so your company is not negatively affected. 

If you are a business owner, it is vital that you remember that when it comes to liabilities, it is not a matter of if they will happen but rather when they will happen. You need to have the protection you can count on when liabilities hit. 

If you want to learn more about commercial insurance services or general liability insurance, please get in touch with us at The Martin Insurance Team serving Evergreen Park, IL, and the surrounding areas. We will happily answer your questions and find an exemplary insurance service. 


Three problems you can avoid by choosing the right health insurance policy

Health insurance is essential if you want to avoid financial strain due to health care costs. Our representatives at Martin Insurance Team are standing by to come to your assistance regarding your health insurance needs. Contact us if you’re searching for health insurance in Evergreen Park, IL.

The following are three problems you can avoid by choosing the right health insurance policy. 

Experiencing poor quality of life due to untreated medical problems

Health problems can drastically detract from your everyday comfort and quality of life. Even if a health problem isn’t life-threatening, it can still lead to discomfort. 

Good health insurance coverage can make it easy for you to get the treatment you need to enjoy excellent health throughout your life. This will provide you with the best possible quality of life. 

Being financially ruined due to a chronic illness

Unfortunately, health problems can ruin one’s finances in the United States because of high medical costs. A good health insurance plan protects a consumer’s finances and stops a costly health problem from putting a consumer in debt. 

Neglecting preventive care services that protect you from serious illness

Consumers should never underestimate the importance of preventive health care services that detect chronic and potentially terminal conditions such as cancer. 

With health care coverage, consumers can typically get the screenings they need to detect health problems early and minimize their severity. 

Let us know if you need a quote on a health insurance policy in Evergreen Park, IL. We are here to assist you at Martin Insurance Team. Get a quote to find coverage that will keep your health and finances in great shape through the years. 

Do I always need to have home insurance for my Florida property?

Owning real estate in the Ft Myers, FL area has been a good investment for a long time. When you are going to purchase a property here, it is essential that you always consider your insurance needs. For most property owners, having home insurance is a necessity and a requirement. There are various reasons why you should also have home insurance for your Florida property. 

Meet Standards of Mortgage Lender

You will want to have a home insurance policy on your Florida home so you can meet the standards set by a mortgage lender. Using a home loan to buy a property is very common today. If you take out a mortgage, you are obligated to meet their requirements in terms of the insurance. Usually, you will need to have a full insurance plan and have payments escrowed each month.

Receive Protection and Coverage

You also want to have a home insurance plan to benefit from the protection and coverage it provides. If you choose to buy a home, you will always want to know that it is covered. With a home insurance policy, you will get helpful coverage that will give support so you can repair your home when needed. This coverage can also extend to your personal items up to the limits of the policy. 

If you are looking to purchase a property in the Ft Myers, FL area, reach out to our office. The Martin Insurance Team can provide any support that you need to build an appropriate insurance plan. Call the Martin Insurance Team and our professionals will help you understand your needs and options, so you remain fully covered. 

Four Key Items Protected By Your Home Insurance Policy

Home is where the heart is and where most prized possessions are kept. Our home is our sanctuary, a safe place to relax and unwind at the end of a long day. But what happens when something goes wrong?

When an accident or disaster strikes, it’s essential to know that our home and everything in it are protected. That’s where home insurance comes in. A home insurance policy is designed to safeguard your home and your belongings in the event of unexpected damage or loss. Here are four essential items that are typically protected by a home insurance policy:

1. Liability From Lawsuits

Home insurance protects you from various risks, including liability from lawsuits. If someone is injured on your property or you damaged someone else’s property, you could be held liable in a lawsuit.

Your home insurance policy can help to protect you by providing financial coverage for legal expenses and damages that may be awarded in a lawsuit. Sometimes, the insurance company can even provide coverage for your legal defense. Whether you’re worried about an accident that has already occurred or you’re simply looking for peace of mind, home insurance can offer valuable protection against the risk of liability from lawsuits.

2. Additional Living Expenses (ALE)

Everyone is familiar with the basic coverage provided by a home insurance policy, including protection for the home’s structure and contents. However, home insurance policies also provide essential coverage for additional living expenses. Also known as ALE, this coverage can help to reimburse you for the cost of temporary housing if a covered event damages your home.

This insurance can be invaluable if your home is destroyed by a fire or severe weather, as it can help ease the financial burden of finding a new place to live. ALE coverage is typically limited to a specific dollar amount, so it’s essential to review your policy limits before you need to use this coverage. But for those who do find themselves in need of temporary housing, ALE coverage can help to make the process a little easier.

3. Personal Belongings

Home insurance policies generally cover personal belongings in the event of a covered loss, such as fire, theft, or certain types of water damage. The coverage may be limited, so checking your policy documents is essential to see what’s included. Most policies will have a maximum limit for each type of item, and some items may require additional coverage. For example, you might need to purchase a separate rider to insure jewelry or furs. If you have high-value items, it’s important to ensure they are adequately insured. Otherwise, you could be left with a sizable bill if they are damaged or stolen.

4. Your Home’s Structure

We all think of home insurance as something that covers the physical structure of our homes – the walls, roof, and so on. But your home’s structure is just one part of what’s covered by a typical home insurance policy. Most policies will also cover things like your plumbing and electrical systems and any permanently installed fixtures like cabinets and countertops. So if you’re ever faced with a burst pipe or a faulty electrical outlet, you know your home insurance will have you covered.

Contact Us Today for the Right Home Insurance Policy

These are just a few key items your home insurance policy protects. Of course, every policy is different, so reviewing your policy documents is important to see what’s included. And if you have any questions, be sure to contact your insurance agent or broker. They’ll be happy to help you understand your coverage and ensure you get the protection you need.

If you’re a homeowner in Ft Myers, FL, the Martin Insurance Team can help you find the right home insurance policy based on your needs. Contact us today for more information.

How to Choose a Home Insurance Policy in Ft Myers, FL

When you’re ready to buy a home insurance policy in Ft Myers, FL, it’s essential to understand the different coverage options available. Homeowners’ insurance covers the house, other buildings, and personal belongings. They also include liability protection in homeowners’ insurance policies.

Different Levels of Coverage

The most common type of homeowners’ insurance is all-risk insurance, which covers the home against all perils, except those expressly excluded from the policy. Another type of homeowners’ insurance is perils insurance, which covers the home against specific risks named in the policy. Buyers should understand the different coverage before they purchase a policy.

The Martin Insurance Team can help you understand the different coverage and ensure you have the right amount of protection for your home. Call us today to get started.


Deductibles are the amount the policyholder must pay out-of-pocket before the insurance company pays a claim. The higher the deductible, the lower the premium. Your mortgage lender may require you to purchase a policy with a deductible of only 1% of the loan amount.

Policy Limits

Policy limits are the maximum amount that the insurance company will pay for a covered claim. Most policies have limits for different coverage. For example, a policy may have a $100,000 limit for the dwelling and a $50,000 limit for personal belongings.

Replacement Cost Coverage

Replacement cost coverage is the amount it would cost to repair or replace damaged property with similar kinds and quality materials without deducting depreciation. Depreciation is property value loss due to age, wear, or obsolescence.

When you’re ready to purchase a home insurance policy in Ft Myers, FL, call the Martin Insurance Team. We’ll help you choose the right coverage for your home.

Umbrella Insurance Comes in Personal and Business Forms

In Ft Myers, FL, you might purchase an umbrella insurance policy for your home insurance policy to add to the liability coverage, but wish you could buy one for your business, too. Well, you can.

Martin Insurance Team offers umbrella policies for business and personal needs. You’ll purchase two separate umbrella policies because you can buy one for business and one for personal use. Still, you can’t cover your business and personal coverage on the same policy.

What Does Umbrella Insurance Do?

When you purchase the primary policy, such as home or business liability, it provides a specific level of liability coverage. Typically, that coverage amount tops at half a million dollars or less. Your primary or central policy’s liability coverage equals the amount provided as a cap in the insurance papers.

An umbrella policy, a secondary policy, offers only liability coverage. It typically starts with a one million dollar coverage option. When the liability coverage in your primary policy pays out ultimately, your umbrella policy kicks in and pays the rest of the liability you incurred.

If you hosted a party where a fire occurred and three people incurred burn injuries, your primary or home policy would pay for your liability first. It would cover as much of their hospital, rehabilitative/physical therapy bills as its policy maximum allowed.

With three individuals, this could easily exceed the primary policy maximum of $25,000 to $50,000. The umbrella policy covers up to $1 million of liability, so if the three individuals sued you, this policy would pay the settlements.

A business umbrella policy works the same way. If a fire occurs at your business and injures three customers, the business liability primary policy covers up to its policy cap. After that, your business’s umbrella policy kicks in to cover the hospital bills and settlements.

Contact Us Today

Contact Martin Insurance Team serving Ft Myers, FL to purchase an umbrella policy for your business and to purchase a policy for your personal needs. Let us help you protect your financial security.

Benefits of Landlords Liability Insurance

Did you know that as a landlord in Florida, you’re legally responsible for the safety of your tenants? That means if someone is injured on your Ft Myers, FL property, they could hold you liable. That’s why it’s so important to have a landlord’s liability insurance. This type of insurance can help protect you financially if a tenant ever sues you.

Here are just a few of the many benefits of having landlords’ liability insurance:

Help Cover Your Legal Expenses

Your legal expenses can quickly add up if a tenant ever sues you. With landlords’ liability insurance, you won’t have to worry about how you’ll afford to pay for a lawyer. Your insurance will cover the cost.

Provides Financial Protection

You could face a significant financial judgment if you’re liable for an accident on your property. That’s why it’s so important to have insurance. It can help cover the cost of the judgment and any damages they may order you to pay. Your Martin Insurance Team can help you find the right policy for your needs.

Covers Property Damage

If a covered event damages your property, a landlord’s insurance can help pay for the repairs. This policy can also cover the cost of any lost rent if your property is uninhabitable.

Gives You Peace of Mind

As a landlord, you have enough to worry about without stressing about what would happen if someone sued you. With landlord’s liability insurance, you can have peace of mind knowing that you’re protected.

As you can see, there are many benefits to having a landlord’s liability insurance. If you’re a landlord in Florida, it’s something you should consider. Contact your Martin Insurance Team today to find out more.

Why do you need transportation insurance in Florida?

The shipping and transportation industry is a very important one as it helps to ensure that products are able to be shipped from the manufacturer and distributors to retailers and individual consumers. For those that are in the transportation industry in the Ft Myers, FL area, having the right insurance in place to protect the business is important. You will need to have transportation insurance for various reasons.

Coverage Protects Transportation Provider

One of the reasons to have a transportation insurance plan for your transportation business is that it can help to cover your organization. A proper transportation insurance plan will give you coverage for any type of cargo that you are transporting. This way, if there is an accident that results in damaged products, you will be covered. It can also provide valuable liability coverage, which can be helpful if you are named liable for an accident.

Coverage is Required by Stakeholders

You will also want to have a transportation insurance plan as it could be required by the stakeholders. When you are in the transportation industry, you will be entrusted with various products owned by manufacturers and distributors. Due to this, they will want to know their assets are covered as well as possible. Ensuring that transportation services are properly protected with their own insurance is a requirement for many companies.

It is very important for a company in the Ft Myers, FL area to maintain an adequate transportation insurance plan at all times. When you are looking for a new transportation insurance plan here, starting your search with the Martin Insurance Team is a good option. The professionals with the Martin Insurance Team know the importance of this type of coverage and can ensure you remain properly supported with a transportation insurance plan.

Does your FL trucking company have the right insurance?

If you own a trucking company in the greater Ft Myers, FL area, it’s time to get to know the Martin Insurance Team! We are here to help you with all of your insurance needs. Give us a call today!

Protect your trucking company today!

Owning or operating a trucking company is not an easy job. There are numerous facets of the business that are constantly in flux, and it may seem like you are constantly putting out fires or dealing with crises. On top of that, you have a lot of money invested in your vehicles, and if they’re off the road for any significant period of time, your bottom line can take a serious hit.

Fortunately, with the right trucking company insurance policy in place, you can protect yourself from many of the ups and downs that can be a part of owning a successful trucking company.

There are a number of specialized needs that trucking companies deal with, from protecting their vehicles, having liability coverage, and dealing with employees, just to name a few. All of these needs make it even more important to have the right policy in place. By sitting down with an experienced agent, you can review all of your needs and find a policy that meets them.

Too much work goes into running a successful trucking company to neglect to have the right insurance coverage in place. Find out more about the different trucking company insurance policies available today.

Find out more

Ft Myers, FL area trucking companies can rely on the Martin Insurance Team for all of their insurance needs. If you own or operate a trucking company in the area, give us a call today. We would welcome the opportunity to work with you!